Josh woke up and looked around him. The last thing he remembered before he fell asleep was asking Drake "Where's the doorhole?"
Before he blacked out, him and Drake were stuck in a treehouse. They were stuck, but now, there was a large hole going through both sides of the treehouse, as if something broke through.
"Drake?" Josh called out. He was no longer in the treehouse, so Josh walked over to the large hole in the right wall. To his suprise, the treehouse he was trapped in was no longer dangerously high in the clouds, but safe on the ground.
Josh sighed in relief and stepped out of the treehouse onto the cold stone. He now noticed he was no longer in his backyard, but in a desolate wasteland of stone and darkness.
"Drake! Drakeeee!" Josh's words echoed all around him. He was completely alone. The void surrounded him in all directions but forward. He put one foot in front of the other and began to walk.
Josh looking around the void.
Josh continued walking in the only direction he could, until he spotted someone in the distance. It looked like-Drake! "Brotha!" Josh called out, but Drake didn't move. He just stood there.
When Josh got closer, he noticed something strange. It was definitly Drake, but he was wearing a wig. It looked like Oprahs hair! "What are you wearing?" Josh asked as he got closer.
Once Josh was in touching range of Drake, he went to take off the wig. Just then, "WHAM!" Josh was sent flying, skidding across the ground. "Brotha?" Josh said, getting up from the ground.
What Josh thought was Drake walked over to him, and smacked him again, almost sending him into the void. Josh grabbed the ledge, and pulled himself up. "Please Brotha, whats gotten into you?"
Just then, Josh heard a voice he had never heard before. It was the voice of a japanese man with a thick accent. "Josh, this is not your brother. It is a spirit! You must fight to survive!"
"You expect me to hurt my brother?" Josh said outloud. "It isn't him! Look alive! Its the spirit of Oprah!" the voice echoed back. Josh took a close look. It definitely looked like Drake, but didn't act like him.
"What do I do then?" Josh said, dodging Oprah's slaps. "Just fight back, Josh!" The voice said, fading out. Josh used all of his inner strength, and punched the Oprah spirit. It went flying!
Oprah came charging back at Josh, which he quickly dodged. He grabbed Oprah, and threw the spirit into the void. A large boom came from the void as Oprah fell in. "I just killed Oprah!" Josh said.